Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Inagural Encouraging You Post


I finally did it today. I have been wanting to start this process for sometime now. I was a little apprehensive at first but I am confident this will be a good thing. The purpose of this blog is to share words of encouragement with all of you and to seek encouragement for myself when my batteries run low. It is intended to be a blessing. I am very glad to share with you what I am learning and have learned. I hope this blesses your hearts. So what is encouragement really? Encouragement is defined as inspiring with courage, spirit, and confidence. I like to think of encouragement as helping those around us through prayer, a kind word, a good hug, or a firm shoulder to lean on. We all need encouragement more than we like to admit. I know I need it daily. I have found if we take the emphasis off ourselves and put it on those around us our lives seem to flow. There is always someone in worse shape than we are. Now, that is not to say that your needs are not important but it means we need to stop worrying so much about ourselves and reach out to those around us. Jesus tells us in the Matthew 6:34 to not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. I commit today that I will use this blog to encourage you all. I will pray for you and ask God to speak to your hearts. Its my prayer today that we all look for ways to encourage one another. You are a blessing to me by just reading this. Please tell everyone you can about this blog. I am open to any suggestions on how this can be of benefit to everyone. If you need encouragement with something specific please let me know. I appreciate you all...

Until next time God Bless You!!


  1. What a great idea, Alan! I intend to keep up with your new venture and recieve blessing and encouragement from it and give blessing and encouagement back to you! Blessings, my friend! Joanna

  2. Alan, this is a complete waist of time and nobody believes anything you have to say anyways! HHEEYYOO JK Good stuff! I truly believe that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% our attitude towards those challanges. Josh
