Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is it your battle?

There are times when we need to realize we cannot fight every battle or every situation that seems to challenge us. In 2nd Chronicles chapter 20, we find the Israelites in trouble. There is a multitude of enemies coming against them. King Jehoshaphat is scared and very concerned. He does have a few options at his disposal though. He could have gathered his troops and mounted a counter offensive. He could have gathered all the people and run for the hills. Or he could have done what he did, which was to lay his need at the feet of God. He cried out in prayer. He sought God's instruction, council, and help. He did not panic. He waited for God's answer to his problem. God answered his prayer. In verse 15, Zechariah the priest is telling the king what God said. He said, "Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the LORD to you, Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's. (NLT) I love this part of the story. God tells the king the battle is not yours it's MINE!!!! Wow, how about that people. When I heard this story is was overwhelmed with joy. I needed a word from God and this is what HE gave me. The bottom line is I've been doing it all by myself. I was trying to climb out this Grand Canyon myself. I was trying to get out of the desert with no guide. I was doing it wrong, to borrow a line from Mr. Mom. I thought I needed to be in control. I though I could make it happen. Well let me tell all I need to do is let God be in control, seek His council on my life's decisions and sit still. Had I realized early on that I needed God to be in control of my life I would not be where I am now. BUT I thank God for the lesson's He has and continues to teach me. I thank God for the revival in my spirit, my family, and my friends. I thank God for loving me enough to teach me. You know sometimes we need to let the Creator be the Creator and remember we are the creation. I am glad I am learning to give my battles to Him. One thing is true, there is not a enemy to big, an amount of debt to large, or an addiction that He cannot overcome. If we will put our lives wholly in His hands God will give us victory. Did you know the most common command in the Bible is "Do not be afraid!" Praise God for His sovereignty and loving kindness. I hope this blesses you hearts today. My prayer for us today is that we will trust Him enough to let Him fight for our battles.

Until next time....
God Bless You!!!


1 comment:

  1. Alan, this really blessed me man... and I've been needing to hear those words for weeks now. We should have coffee sometime, call me.

